"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away." - H.D. Thoreau

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Forthcoming: Movies We're Excited About

Thanks to the miracle of YouTube, we can point you towards some movie trailers that hint at good things to come...to a theater near you.

Be Kind Rewind (due January 2008)
Stars Jack Black and Mos Def as two video store clerks who inadvertently erase every tape in their store, and make up for it by creating their own versions of the films. Michel Gondry (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Dave Chappelle's Block Party) directs.

Harold and Kumar 2 (due 2008)
John Cho and Kal Penn revisit their characters from the hilarious Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle. This could either be really bad, or really awesome. We're hoping for awesome.

Walk Hard
(due December 2007)
John C. Reilly stars as Dewey Cox in this parody of musical biopics like Ray and Walk The Line, co-written by Judd Apatow (see my post on Superbad). Also stars Jenna Fischer (The Office), and features cameos from Jack White (of the White Stripes, as Elvis Presley) and Paul Rudd (from Anchorman and the 40 Year Old Virgin, as John Lennon).

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